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Digital collaborative edition of the Greek anthology Application Profile


To document how Anthologia graeca data is modelled for compatibility with the wider LINCS data model. This document provides patterns used in the mapping of Anthologia graeca data which correspond to the categories outlined in the LINCS Application Profile.

This document introduces class and property concepts as used in this specific context (LINCS and the Anthologia graeca dataset), and are not complete definitions. Consult CIDOC CRM v. 7.1.1 documentation for full class and property descriptions.


Ontology Acronyms:

Vocabulary and Authority Acronyms:

Main Classes

Entity TypeClassDeclaration Snippet (TTL)

<urn> a crm:E42_Identifier ;
crm:P2_has_type at:300404012 .


<title> a crm:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation ;
crm:P2_has_type aat:300417193 .


<name> a crm:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation .

Keyword, Keyword Categorycrm:E55_Type

<keyword> a crm:E55_Type .
<keyword_cat> a crm:E55_Type .

External Referencecrm:E73_Information_Object
a crm:E73_Information_Object .

<comment> a crm:E33_Linguistic_Object ;
crm:P2_has_type wikidata:Q58897583 .


<description> a crm:E33_Linguistic_Object ;
crm:P2_has_type aat:300411780 .

Credit linecrm:E33_Linguistic_Object

<credit_line> a crm:E33_Linguistic_Object ;
crm:P2_has_type aat:300435418 .

<image> a crm:E36_Visual_Item .
Passage (Conceptual)crm:E73_Information_Object

<passage_conceptual> a crm:E73_Information_Object ;
crm:P2_has_type genre:partExcerpt .

Scholia (Conceptual)crm:E73_Information_Object

<scholia_conceptual> a crm:E73_Information_Object ;
crm:P2_has_type lcsh:sh85118249 .

Passage (Written)crmtex:TX7_Written_Fragment

<passage_written> a crmtex:TX7_Written_Fragment ;
crm:P2_has_type genre:partExcerpt .

Scholia (Written)crmtex:TX7_Written_Fragment

<scholia_written> a crmtex:TX7_Written_Fragment ;
crm:P2_has_type lcsh:sh85118249 .


<work> a crm:E73_Information_Object ;
crm:P2_has_type aat:300026037 .


<book> a crmtex:TX1_Written_Text ;
crm:P2_has_type aat:300028051 .


<edition> a crmtex:TX1_Written_Text ;
crm:P2_has_type aat:300121294 .


<manuscript> a crm:E22_Human-Made_Object ;
crm:P2_has_type aat:300028569 .


<transcription> a crm:E33_Linguistic_Object ;
crm:P2_has_type aat:300404333 .

<author> a crm:E21_Person .
<birth> a crm:E67_Birth .
<death> a crm:E69_Death .
<city> a crm:E53_Place .
<language> a crm:E56_Language .

Overview Diagram

Below is an image of the application profile overview diagram. Follow this link for a zoomable, more readable version. The segments below align with the document sections.

Application profile


Basic Patterns


Unique Identifiers

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinition

This pattern declares that an entity is identified by a unique identifier.


<object> → crm:P1_is_identified_by → crm:E42_Identifier
→ crm:P190_has_symbolic_contentrdfs:literal
→ crm:P2_has_typecrm


→ crm:P2_has_typecrm:E55_Type

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI); literal value (text)
Expected Valueliteral value (text) from Anthologia graeca dataset
Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable); rdfs:literal
Example Values“261”; “363”; “1851”
Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that the identifier of Anthologia graeca project item passage 6.318 is “1851”. This identifier has the types “Antholagia Palatina identifier” and “unique identifier.”

<lincs:passage/1745/unique_id/1851> → crm:P1_is_identified_by → crm:E42_Identifier
→ crm:P190_has_symbolic_content“1851”
→ crm:P2_has_type → <aat:300404012>
→ crm:P2_has_type<lincs:k7NvkKPBCrn>

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource Links

The Getty Research Institute. (2017, March 7). Art & Architecture Thesaurus Online.

The Wikimedia Foundation. (2021). Wikidata.

Discussion Elements Pertaining to the Pattern

<object> can be a: E21 (person); E53 (place); TX1 (book, edition); E22 (manuscript); TX7 (passage, scholium); E73 (passage, scholium, work); Concept, E55 (keyword); E33 (comment, description, text); E36 (medium); E33_E41 (name); E56 (language).

Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Pattern

author_id; author_unique_id; author_tlg_id; city_id; city_name_id; city_unique_id; edition_id; manuscript_id; passage_unique_id; passage_fragment; passage_sub_fragment; passage_external_reference_id; book_number; keyword_id; keyword_unique_id; keyword_category_id; keyword__category_unique_id; comment_id; comment_unique_id; medium_id; medium_unique_id; name_id; language; description_id; text_unique_id; work_id; edition_id; scholium_unique_id; scholium_number

Pattern in TTL:

<object> a crm:E1_CRM_Entity ;
rdfs:label "<object>" ;
crm:P1_is_identified_by <identifier> .

<identifier> a crm:E42_Identifier ;
rdfs:label "<identifier>" ;
crm:P190_has_symbolic_content "<description>" ;
crm:P2_has_type aat:300404012 ;
crm:P2_has_type <type> .

aat:300411780 a crm:E55_Type ;
rdfs:label "unique identifiers" .

<type> a crm:E55_Type ;
rdfs:label "<type>" .

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinition

This pattern declares that an edition, work, or external reference is identified by a title.


crm:TX1_Written_Text → crm:P1_is_identified_by → crm:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation
→ crm:P72_has_languagecrm:E56_Language
→ crm:P2_has_typecrm


→ crm:P190_has_symbolic_contentrdfs:literal

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI); literal value (text)
Expected Value

URI minted by LINCS; literal value (text) from Anthologia graeca dataset

Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable); rdfs:literal
Example Values

“Original Translation by Jie Han”; “Matilda Chapman original translation”; “Liceo Majorana”

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that the edition “Paton modified by Maxime” has the title “Paton modified by Maxime.”.It is typed as “titles (general, names).” The title is in English.

<lincs:edition/13> → crm:P1_is_identified_by → <lincs:edition_description/87>
→ crm:P72_has_language<lincs:language/eng>
→ crm:P2_has_type<aat:300417193>
→ crm:P190_has_symbolic_content“Paton modified by Maxime”

Edge Case Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that external reference 125 has the title “Chris Columbus, Harry Potter, L’école des sorciers (2001).” It is typed as “titles (general, names).”

<lincs:external_reference/125> → crm:P1_is_identified_by → crm:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation
→ crm:P2_has_typeaat:300417193
→ crm:P190_has_symbolic_content“Chris Columbus, Harry Potter, L’école des sorciers (2001)”

Resource Links

The Getty Research Institute. (2017, March 7). Art & Architecture Thesaurus Online.

Discussion Elements Pertaining to the Pattern<object> can be E22 (edition) or F2 (work, external reference)
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Pattern

title; edition_description_id; work_description; passage_external_reference_title

Pattern in TTL:

<object> a crmtex:TX1_Written_Text ; 
rdfs:label "<object>" ;
crm:P1_is_identified_by <title> .

<title> a crm:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation ;
rdfs:label "Title of <title>" ;
crm:P190_has_symbolic_content "<title>" ;
crm:P2_has_type aat:300417193 ;
crm:P72_has_language <language> .

aat:300417193 a crm:E55_Type ;
rdfs:label "titles (general, names)" .

<language> a crm:E56_Language ;
rdfs:label "<language>" .

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinition

This pattern declares that a person or place is identified by a name.


crm:E1_CRM_Entity → crm:P1_is_identified_by → crm:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation
→ crm:P72_has_languagecrm:E56_Language
→ crm:P190_has_symbolic_contentrdfs:literal

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI); literal value (text)
Expected Value

URI minted by LINCS; literal value (text) from Anthologia graeca dataset

Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable); rdfs:literal
Example Values

<>; “demetrius”; “antiphanes”; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that the name of demetrius has the symbolic content “demetrius.” The name is Greek.

<lincs:name/1824> → crm:P1_is_identified_by → crm:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation
→ crm:P72_has_language<lincs:language/grc>
→ crm:P190_has_symbolic_content“demetrius”

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource Links

Perseus Digital Library. (2015, August 27). The Perseus Catalog.

Discussion Elements Pertaining to the Pattern<object> can be E21 (person) or E53 (place)
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Pattern

author_name; keyword_name_id; name; city_name; city_name_language_id; city_name_id

Pattern in TTL:

<object> a crm:E1_CRM_Entity ;
rdfs:label "<object>" ;
crm:P1_is_identified_by <name> .

<name> a crm:E33_E41_Linguistic_Appellation ;
rdfs:label "Name of <name>" ;
crm:P190_has_symbolic_content "<name>" ;
crm:P72_has_language <language> .

<language> a crm:E56_Language ;
rdfs:label "<language>" .

Keywords (Types)

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinitionThis pattern declares that an object has a type.

<object> → crm:P2_has_typecrm:E55_Type

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI); literal value (text)
Expected Value

URI from an existing linked data authority or minted by LINCS; literal value (text) from Anthologia graeca dataset

Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable)
Example Values

<>; <>; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that Codex Palatinus 23 p. 313 is a type of manuscript.

<lincs:manuscript/2745> → crm:P2_has_type <bibframe:Manuscript>

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource Links

The Getty Research Institute. (2017, March 7). Art & Architecture Thesaurus Online.

Library of Congress. (2021, June 9). BIBFRAME 2.0 Vocabulary.

The Wikimedia Foundation. (2021). Wikidata.

Discussion Elements Pertaining to the Pattern

<object> can be a TX1 (edition), a E22 (manuscript), a E73 (passage, scholium), a TX7 (passage, scholium), a E33 (description), or a E42 (identifier)

Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Pattern

edition_type; manuscript; passage; description; scholium_text; edition; scholium; code

Pattern in TTL:

<object> a crm:E70_Thing ;
rdfs:label "<object>" .
crm:P2_has_type <type> .

<type> a crm:E55_Type ;
rdfs:label "<type>" .
Keyword Categories

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinitionThis pattern declares that keywords belong to categories.

crm:E55_Type → crm:P127_has_broader_termcrm:E55_Type

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI); literal value (text)
Expected Value

URI minted by LINCS; literal value (text) from Anthologia graeca dataset

Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable)
Example Values

<>; “Macron”; <>; “Personnes citées”

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that the keyword “Macron” has a broader term which is the keyword “Personnes citées.”

<lincs:keyword/1288> → crm:P127_has_broader_term <lincs:keyword/category/9>

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource LinksN/A
Discussion Elements Pertaining to the PatternN/A
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternkeyword

Pattern in TTL:

<keyword> a crm:E55_Type ; 
rdfs:label "<keyword>" ;
crm:P127_has_broader_term <keyword> .

<keyword> a crm:E55_Type ;
rdfs:label "<keyword>" .

Talking About Entities

Describing or Referencing a Passage

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinition

This pattern declares that passages are referenced by other passages or external information sources.


crm:E73_Information_Object → crm:P67i_is_referred_to_by

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI)
Expected ValueURI minted by LINCS
Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable)
Example Values

<>; <>; <>; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that passage 5.11 is referred to by Pausanias, I, i, 3 and passage 5.17.

<lincs:passage/concept/11> → crm:P67i_is_referred_to_by

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource LinksN/A
Discussion Elements Pertaining to the PatternN/A
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternpassage_external_references; passage_internal_references

Pattern in TTL:

<passage_concept> a crm:E73_Information_Object ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca passage <passage_title>" ;
crm:P67i_is_referred_to_by <external_reference>, <internal_reference> .

<external_reference> a crm:E73_Information_Object ;
rdfs:label "<external_reference>" .

<internal_reference> a crm:E73_Information_Object ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca passage <passage_title>" .
Commenting on a Passage or Scholia

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinition

This pattern declares that a passage or scholia is the subject of a comment.


<object> → crm:P129i_is_subject_of → crm:E33_Linguistic_Object
→ crm:P2_has_typecrm

wikidata:Q58897583, bibframe:Note

→ crm:P190_has_symbolic_contentrdfs:literal

Content ValuesType of Valueliteral value (text)
Expected Valueliteral value (text) from Anthologia graeca dataset
Format/Requirements for the Valuerdfs:literal
Example Values

“The pyraster is the wild pear-tree”; “# Sorrente, Pollentia, Asté\n\n Selon Pline l’Ancien, Hist. Nat., XXXV, 46, 2, ces trois villes de Campanie et de Ligurie était célèbres pour leur Argile”; “# Références mythologiques\n\n Itys était le fils de Térée et de Progné. Suite au viol de Philomèle de la part de Térée Progné tue Itys et le sert à manger à Térée.”

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that Anthologia graeca passage 11.27 is the subject of the comment “# Sorrente, Pollentia, Asté\n\n Selon Pline l’Ancien, Hist. Nat., XXXV, 46, 2, ces trois villes de Campanie et de Ligurie était célèbres pour leur Argile.” The comment is typed as a “comment” and “Note.”

<lincs:passage/concept/1174> → crm:P129i_is_subject_of → <lincs:comment/362>
→ crm:P2_has_type<wikidata:Q58897583> , <bibframe:Note>

→ crm:P190_has_symbolic_content “# Sorrente, Pollentia, Asté\n\n Selon Pline l’Ancien, Hist. Nat., XXXV, 46, 2, ces trois villes de Campanie et de Ligurie était célèbres pour leur Argile”

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource Links

Library of Congress. (2021, June 9). BIBFRAME 2.0 Vocabulary.

The Wikimedia Foundation. (2021). Wikidata.

Discussion Elements Pertaining to the Pattern<object> can be TX7 (passage, scholia) or E73 (passage, scholia)
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patterncomment; passage_comments; scholium_comments

Pattern in TTL:

<object> a E70_Thing ;
rdfs:label "<object>" ,
crm:P129i_is_subject_of <comment> .

<comment> a crm:E33_Linguistic_Object ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca comment on <object> <title>" ,
crm:P190_has_symbolic_content "<comment>" ;
crm:P2_has_type wikidata:Q58897583 ;
crm:P2_has_type bibframe:Note .

wikidata:Q58897583 a crm:E55_Type ;
rdfs:label "comment" .

bibframe:Note a crm:E55_Type ;
rdfs:label "Note" .
Description of a Passage, Scholia, or Comment

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinition

This pattern declares that a passage, scholia, or comment is the subject of a description.


<object> → crm:P129i_is_subject_of → crm:E33_Linguistic_Object
→ crm:P2_has_typecrm


→ crm:P190_has_symbolic_contentrdfs:literal

Content ValuesType of Valueliteral value (text)
Expected Valueliteral value (text) from Anthologia graeca dataset
Format/Requirements for the Valuerdfs:literal
Example Values

“On a Tapestry”; “渡人亦是渡己”; “What Alcestis would say when Admctus yoked a\n\nLion and Boar to his Chariot”

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that Anthologia graeca comment on passage 9.15 is the subject of the description “渡人亦是渡己.”

<lincs:comment/488> → crm:P129i_is_subject_of → <lincs:description/724>
→ crm:P2_has_type<aat:300411780>
→ crm:P190_has_symbolic_content “渡人亦是渡己”

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource Links

The Getty Research Institute. (2017, March 7). Art & Architecture Thesaurus Online.

Discussion Elements Pertaining to the Pattern

<object> can be a E33 (comment), a E73 (passage, scholia), or a TX7 (passage, scholia)

Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternpassage_description; comment_description

Pattern in TTL:

<object> a E70_Thing;
rdfs:label "<object>" ;
crm:P129i_is_subject_of <description> .

<description> a crm:E33_Linguistic_Object ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca description of <object> identifier <identifier>" ,
crm:P190_has_symbolic_content "<description>" ;
crm:P2_has_type aat:300411780 .

aat:300411780 a crm:E55_Type ;
rdfs:label "descriptions (documents)" .
Credit Line of a Manuscript

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinition

This pattern declares that a manuscript is referred to by a credit line statement.


crm:E22_Human-Made_Object → crm:P67i_is_referred_to_by → crm:E33_Linguistic_Object


→ crm:P190_has_symbolic_contentrdfs:literal

Content ValuesType of Valueliteral value (text)
Expected Valueliteral value (text) from Anthologia graeca dataset
Format/Requirements for the Valuerdfs:literal
Example Values“p. 206”; “p. 210”; “p.192”
Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that the manuscript A.P. 6.354 is credited as “p. 206.”

<lincs:manuscript/168> → crm:P67i_is_referred_to_by → crm:E33_Linguistic_Object

→ crm:P190_has_symbolic_content“p. 206”

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource Links

The Getty Research Institute. (2017, March 7). Art & Architecture Thesaurus Online.

Discussion Elements Pertaining to the PatternN/A
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternmanuscript

Pattern in TTL:

<manuscript> a crm:E22_Human-Made_Object ;
rdfs:label "<manuscript>" ;
crm:P67i_is_referred_to_by <manuscript_credit> .

<manuscript_credit> a crm:E33_Linguistic_Object ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca credit line of manuscript

<manuscript_title>" ;
crm:P190_has_symbolic_content "<manuscript_credit>" ;
crm:P2_has_type aat:300435418 .

aat:300435418 a crm:E55_Type ;
rdfs:label "credit line" .
Visual Representation

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinition

This pattern declares that a passage or manuscript is represented by an image.


<object> → crm:P138i_has_representation crm:E36_Visual_Item

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI)
Expected ValueURI from Anthologia graeca dataset
Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable)
Example Values

<>; <>; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that manuscript Codex Palatinus 23 p. 104 has an image.

<lincs:manuscript/3727> → crm:P138i_has_representation<,29.154518950437318,18.899676375404532,9.246147438567263/full/0/default.jpg>

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource LinksN/A
Discussion Elements Pertaining to the Pattern

<object> can be a E22 (manuscript), a TX7 (physical passage), or a E73 (conceptual passage)

Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternmanuscript; passage_img

Pattern in TTL:

<object> a crm:E70_Thing ;
rdfs:label "<object>" ;
crm:P138i_has_representation <image_url> .

<image_url> a crm:E36_Visual_Item ;
rdfs:label "<image_url>" .

Written Texts

Conceptual Texts, Images, & Ideas; Physical Objects

Physical Carriers of Conceptual Texts

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinition

This pattern declares that concepts are carried by books, passages, and scholia


<object> → crm:P128_carries crm:E73_Information_Object

crm:E73_Information_Object → crm:P128i_is_carried_by <object>

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI)
Expected ValueURI minted by LINCS
Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable)
Example Values

<>; <>; <>; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that the conceptual idea of Anthologia graeca passage 7.159 is carried by the physical Anthologia Palatina passage 7.159.

<lincs:passage/realization/249> → crm:P128_carries <lincs:passage/concept/249>

<lincs:passage/concept/249> → crm:P128i_is_carried_by <lincs:passage/realization/249>

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource LinksN/A
Discussion Elements Pertaining to the Pattern

<object> could be E73 (passage, scholia), TX7 (passage, scholia), or TX1 (book, edition)

Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternpassage; scholium; book; edition

Pattern in TTL:

<object> a crmtex:TX1_Written_Text ;
rdfs:label "<object>" ;
crm:P128_carries <object> .

<object> a crm:E73_Information_Object ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca <object> <title>" ;
crm:P128i_is_carried_by <object> .
Text Transcription

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinitionThis pattern declares that a text has a transcription.

crmtex:TX7_Written_Text_Segment → crm:P16i_was_used_for → crm:E65_Creation, TX6_Transcription
→ crm:P94_has_createdcrm:E33_Linguistic_Object
→ crm:P2_has_typecrm


→ crm:P190_has_symbolic_contentrdfs:Literal
→ crm:P72_has_languagecrm:E56_Language

crm:E33_Linguistic_Object → crm:P94i_was_created_by → crm:E65_Creation, TX6_Transcription

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI); literal value (text)
Expected Value

URI minted by LINCS; literal value (text) from Anthologia graeca dataset

Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable); rdfs:literal
Example Values

<>; “En jouant de la trompette, Marcus le fluet émit un tout petit souffle et, tout droit, tête première, il s’en alla dans l’Hadès!”; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that passage 11.94 was used to transcribe the text of passage 11.94. The text is “En jouant de la trompette, Marcus le fluet émit un tout petit souffle et, tout droit, tête première, il s’en alla dans l’Hadès!” which is in French.

<lincs:passage/realization/1298> → crm:P16i_was_used_for → crm:E65_Creation, TX6_Transcription
→ crm:P94_has_created<lincs:text/4392>
→ crm:P2_has_type<aat:300404333>
→ crm:P190_has_symbolic_content“En jouant de la trompette, Marcus le fluet émit un tout petit souffle et, tout droit, tête première, il s’en alla dans l’Hadès!”
→ crm:P72_has_language <lincs:language/fra>

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource Links

The Getty Research Institute. (2017, March 7). Art & Architecture Thesaurus Online.

Discussion Elements Pertaining to the PatternN/A
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patterntext; text_passage; text; scholium_text

Pattern in TTL:

<realization> a crmtex:TX7_Written_Text_Segment ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca <component_type> <title>" ;
crm:P16i_was_used_for <transcription_event> .

<transcription_event> a crm:E65_Creation, crmtex:TX6_Transcription ;
rdfs:label "Transcription of Anthologia graeca text of <component_type> <title>" ;
crm:2P_has_type aat:300404333 ;
crm:P94_has_created <text> .

<text> a crm:E33_Linguistic_Object ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca text of <component_type> <title>" ;
crm:P94i_was_created_by <transcription_event> ;
crm:P190_has_symbolic_content "<text>" ;
crm:P72_has_language <language> .

<language> a crm:E56_Language ;
rdfs:label "<language>" .

aat:300404333 a crm:E55_Type ;
rdfs:label "transcriptions (documents)" .

Conceptual Elements (Conceptual Passages & Scholia, Works)

Creation Event

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinitionThis pattern declares that a passage was created.

crm:E65_Creation → crm:P94_has_created crm:E73_Information_Object

crm:E73_Information_Object → crm:P94i_was_created_by crm:E65_Creation

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI)
Expected ValueURI minted by LINCS
Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable)
Example Values

<>; <>; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that Anthologia graeca passage 5.265 was created by a creation event.

<lincs:creation/190/passage/1515> → crm:P94_has_created <lincs:passage/concept/1476>

<lincs:passage/concept/1476> → crm:P94i_was_created_by <lincs:creation/190/passage/1515>

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource LinksN/A
Discussion Elements Pertaining to the PatternN/A
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternauthor_passage

Pattern in TTL:

<author_passage> a crm:E65_Creation ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca passage <passage_title>
conception by <author_name>" ;
crm:P94_has_created <passage_concept> .

<passage_concept> a crm:E73_Information_Object ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca passage <passage_title>" ;
crm:P94i_was_created_by <author_passage> .

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinitionThis pattern declares that a passage was created by an author.

crm:E21_Person → crm:P14i_performed crm:E65_Creation

crm:E65_Creation → crm:P14_carried_out_by crm:E21_Person

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI)
Expected Value

URI from Anthologia graeca dataset, existing linked data authority, or minted by LINCS

Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable)
Example Values

<>; <>; <>; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that Anthologia graeca passage 5.265 was created by cometas chartularius.

<perseus:tlg4058> → crm:P14i_performed <lincs:creation/190/passage/1515>

<lincs:creation/190/passage/1515> → crm:P14_carried_out_by <perseus:tlg4058>

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource Links

Perseus Digital Library. (2015, August 27). The Perseus Catalog.

Discussion Elements Pertaining to the PatternN/A
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternauthor_passage

Pattern in TTL:

<author> a crm:E21_Person ; 
rdfs:label "<author>" ;
crm:P14i_performed <author_passage> .

<author_passage> a crm:E65_Creation ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca passage <passage_title>
conception by <author_name>" ;
crm:P14_carried_out_by <author> .
Groups, Part-Whole Relationships
Passages in Works

Application profile

Pattern/ Structure ValuesDefinitionThis pattern declares that passages are part of works.

crm:E73_Information_Object → crm:P148i_is_component_of crm:E73_Information_Object

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI)
Expected ValueURI minted by LINCS
Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable)
Example Values

<>; <>; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that passage 10.14 is a component of Anthologia graeca.

<lincs:passage/concept/3031> → crm:P148i_is_component_of <lincs:work/1>

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource LinksN/A
Discussion Elements Pertaining to the PatternN/A
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternbook; edition; passage

Pattern in TTL:

<passage_concept> a crm:E73_Information_Object ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca passage <passage_title>" ;
crm:P148i_is_component_of <work> .

<work> a crm:E73_Information_Object ;
rdfs:label "<work>" .
Contents of a Work
“Aboutness” and Content Subjects
Subject of Scholia (Passage)

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinitionThis pattern declares that scholia are about passages.

crm:E73_Information_Object → crm:P129_is_about crm:E73_Information_Object

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI)
Expected ValueURI minted by LINCS
Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable)ˇ
Example Values

<>; <>; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that scholium 9.175.1 is about passage 9.175.

<lincs:scholium/concept/2894> → crm:P129_is_about <lincs:passage/concept/2199>

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource LinksN/A
Discussion Elements Pertaining to the PatternN/A
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternscholium

Pattern in TTL:

<scholium_concept> a crm:E73_Information_Object ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca scholium <scholium_title>" ;
crm:P129_is_about <passage_concept> .

<passage_concept> a crm:E73_Information_Object ;
rdfs:label "<passage_title>" .
Reference of Passage

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinitionThis pattern declares that passages reference cities and keywords.

crm:E73_Information_Object → crm:P67_refers_to

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI); literal value (text)
Expected ValueURI from an existing linked data authority or minted by LINCS
Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable); rdfs:literal
Example Values

<>; <>; <>; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that passage 7.395 refers to the “Libyan Sea” and the keyword “Orion.”

<lincs:passage/concept/725> → crm:P67_refers_to

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource Links

The Wikimedia Foundation. (2021). Wikidata.

Discussion Elements Pertaining to the PatternN/A
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternpassage_cities; passage_keywords

Pattern in TTL:

<passage_concept> a crm:E73_Information_Object ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca passage <passage_title>" ;
crm:P67_refers_to <city>, <keyword> .

<city> a crm:E53_Place ;
rdfs:label "<city>" .

<keyword> a crm:E55_Type ;
rdfs:label "<keyword>" .

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinitionThis pattern declares a language.

→ crm:P2_has_type → crm:E55_Type
→ crm:P1_is_identified_by → crm:E41_Appellation
→ crm:P2_has_type → crm:E55_Type
→ crm:P190_has_symbolic_contentrdfs:literal

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI); literal value (text)
Expected Value

URI minted by LINCS; literal value (text) from Anthologia graeca dataset

Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable); rdfs:literal
Example Values

<>; “Yogad”; “Arifama-Miniafia”; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that Italian is the preferred language type. It is identified by the iso name “Italian.”


(crm:P2_has_type → <lincs:type/preferred>)
→ crm:P1_is_identified_by → <lincs:language/ita/iso_name>

(crm:P2_has_type → <lincs:16YMuCmKhlH>)
→ crm:P190_has_symbolic_content“Italian”

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource LinksN/A
Discussion Elements Pertaining to the PatternN/A
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternlanguage

Pattern in TTL:

<language> a crm:E56_Language ;
rdfs:label "<language>" ;
crm:P2_has_type <type> ;
crm:P1_is_identified_by <iso_name> .

<type> a crm:E55_Type ;
rdfs:label "<type>" .

<iso_name> a crm:E41_Appellation ;
rdfs:label "ISO name of language <iso_name>" ;
crm:P190_has_symbolic_content "<iso_name>" ;
crm:P2_has_type <iso_name_type> .

<iso_name_type> a crm:E55_Type ;
rdfs:label "iso name" .

Physical Elements (Written Passages & Scholia, Manuscripts, Editions, Books)

Production Event

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinitionThis pattern declares that a physical passage was produced.

crm:E12_Production → crm:P108_has_produced crmtex:TX7_Written_Text_Segment

crmtex:TX7_Written_Text_Segment → crm:P108i_was_produced_by crm:E12_Production

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI)
Expected ValueURI minted by LINCS
Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable)
Example Values

<>; <>; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that Anthologia graeca passage 6.102 was produced by a production event.

<lincs:production/12/passage/1401> → crm:P108_has_produced <lincs:passage/realization/1362>

<lincs:passage/realization/1362> → crm:P108i_was_produced_by <lincs:production/12/passage/1401>

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource LinksN/A
Discussion Elements Pertaining to the PatternN/A
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternauthor_passage

Pattern in TTL:

<author_passage> a crm:E12_Production ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca passage <title> production" ;
crm:P108_has_produced <passage_realization> .

<passage_realization> a crmtex:TX7_Written_Text_Segment ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca passage <passage_title>" ;
crm:P108i_was_produced_by <author_passage> .
Groups of Works
Parts of a Manuscript

Application profile

Pattern/ Structure ValuesDefinition

This pattern declares that passages and scholia are parts of a manuscript.


crm:E22_Human-Made_Object → crm:P56_bears_feature crmtex:TX7_Written_Text_Segment

crmtex:TX7_Written_Text_Segment → crm:P56i_is_found_on crm:E22_Human-Made_Object

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI)
Expected ValueURI minted by LINCS
Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable)
Example Values

<>; <>; <>; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that scholium 5.203.2 is found on Codex Palatinus 23 p. 117.

<lincs:manuscript/4286>t → crm:P56_bears_feature <lincs:scholium/realization/2583>

<lincs:scholium/realization/2583> → crm:P56i_is_found_on <lincs:manuscript/4286>

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource LinksN/A
Discussion Elements Pertaining to the PatternN/A
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternscholium_manuscript\passage; scholium

Pattern in TTL:

<manuscript> a crm:E22_Human-Made_Object ;
rdfs:label "<manuscript>" ;
crm:P56_bears_feature <object> .

<object> a crmtex:TX7_Written_Text_Segment ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca <object> <title>" ;
crm:P56i_is_found_on <manuscript> .
Passages in Books

Application profile

Pattern/ Structure ValuesDefinitionThis pattern declares that passages are part of books.

crmtex:TX1_Written_Text → crmtex:TXP4_has_segment crmtex:TX7_Written_Text_Segment

crmtex:TX7_Written_Text_Segment → crmtex:TXP4i_is_segment_of crmtex:TX1_Written_Text

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI)
Expected ValueURI minted by LINCS
Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable)
Example Values

<>; <>; <>; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that passage 10.3 is a segment of Anthologia graeca book 10.

<lincs:book/11> → crmtex:TXP4_has_segment <lincs:passage/realization/2849>

<lincs:passage/realization/2849> → crmtex:TXP4i_is_segment_of <lincs:book/11>

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource LinksN/A
Discussion Elements Pertaining to the PatternN/A
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternbook; edition; passage

Pattern in TTL:

<book> a crmtex:TX1_Written_Text ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca book <number>" ;
crmtex:TXP4_has_segment <passage_realization> .

<passage_realization> a crmtex:TX7_Written_Text_Segment ;
rdfs:label "Anthologia graeca passage <passage_title>" ;
crmtex:TXP4i_is_segment_of <book> .



Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinitionThis pattern declares that a person was born.

crm:E21_Person → crm:P98i_was_borncrm:E67_Birth

crm:E67_Birth → crm:P98_brought_into_life crm:E21_Person

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI)
Expected Value

URI from Anthologia graeca dataset, existing linked data authority, or minted by LINCS

Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable)
Example Values

<>; <>; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that Honestus was born.

<lincs:author/11/birth> → crm:P98_brought_into_life <perseus:tlg1440>

<perseus:tlg1440> → crm:P98i_was_born <lincs:author/11/birth>

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource Links

Perseus Digital Library. (2015, August 27). The Perseus Catalog.

Discussion Elements Pertaining to the PatternN/A
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternauthor_city_born_urn; author_city_born_id

Pattern in TTL:

<author> a crm:E21_Person ; 
rdfs:label "<author>" ;
crm:P98i_was_born <Birth_Event> .

<author_birth> a crm:E67_Birth ;
rdfs:label "Birth event of <author>" .
Birth Place

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinitionThis pattern declares that a person was born at a place.

crm:E67_Birth → crm:P7_took_place_atcrm:E53_Place

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI); literal value (text)
Expected Value

URI from Anthologia graeca dataset, existing linked data authority, or minted by LINCS; literal value (text) from Anthologia graeca dataset

Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable); rdfs:literal
Example Values

<>; <>; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that Honestus was born in Βυζάντιον / Byzantium / Byzance. The dataset also lists 2 other URIs for Βυζάντιον / Byzantium / Byzance.

crm:E67_Birth → crm:P7_took_place_at <wikidata:Q23725> → owl:sameAs <anthologia:cities/31>, <pleiades:520985>.

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource Links

The Wikimedia Foundation. (2021). Wikidata.

Discussion Elements Pertaining to the PatternN/A
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternauthor_city_born_urn; author_city_born_id

Pattern in TTL:

<author_birth> a crm:E67_Birth ;
rdfs:label "Birth event of <author>" ;
crm:P7_took_place_at <city> .

<city> a crm:E53_Place ;
rdfs:label "<city>" .


Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinitionThis pattern declares that a person died.

crm:E21_Person → crm:P100i_died_incrm:E69_Death

crm:E69_Death → crm:P100_was_death_of crm:E21_Person

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI)
Expected Value

URI from Anthologia graeca dataset, existing linked data authority, or minted by LINCS

Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable)
Example Values

“Philodemus of Gadara”; <>; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that Philodemus of Gadara died.

<perseus:tlg1595> → crm:P100i_died_in → <lincs:author/4/death>

crm:E69_Death → crm:P100_was_death_of crm:E21_Person

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource Links

Perseus Digital Library. (2015, August 27). The Perseus Catalog .

Discussion Elements Pertaining to the PatternN/A
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternauthor_city_died_urn; author_city_died_id

Pattern in TTL:

<author> a crm:E21_Person ; 
rdfs:label "<author>" ;
crm:P100i_died_in <author_city_died_urn> .

<author_death> a crm:E69_Death ;
rdfs:label "Death event of <author>" .
Death Place

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinitionThis pattern declares that a person died at a place.

E69_Death → crm:P7_took_place_atcrm:E53_Place → owl:sameAsrdfs:Resource

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI); literal value (text)
Expected Value

URI from Anthologia graeca dataset, existing linked data authority, or minted by LINCS; literal value (text) from Anthologia graeca dataset

Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable); rdfs:literal
Example Values

<>; “Río Jhelum”; “Gibilterra”; <>

Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that Philodemus of Gadara died in Ercolano / Herculaneum. The dataset also lists 2 other URIs for Ercolano / Herculaneum.

crm:E69_Death → crm:P7_took_place_at <wikidata:Q72111> → owl:sameAs <anthologia:cities/5>, <pleiades:432873>

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource Links

The Wikimedia Foundation. (2021). Wikidata.

Discussion Elements Pertaining to the PatternN/A
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patternauthor_city_died_urn; author_city_died_id

Pattern in TTL:

<author_death> a crm:E69_Death ; 
rdfs:label "Death event of <author>" ;
crm:P7_took_place_at <city> .

<city> a crm:E53_Place ;
rdfs:label "<city>" .


Geographies (Coordinates)

Application profile

Pattern/Structure ValuesDefinition

This pattern declares that a place is identified by a geographic reference such as coordinates.


crm:E53_Place → crm:P168_place_is_defined_by rdfs:literal

Content ValuesType of ValueUniform Resource Identifier (URI); literal value (text)
Expected Value

URI from Anthologia graeca dataset, existing linked data authority, or minted by LINCS; literal value (text) from Anthologia graeca dataset

Format/Requirements for the ValueURI (preferably dereferenceable); rdfs:literal
Example Values“27.13917, 38.41861”; “14.34680, 40.80593”; “26.98444, 38.84528”
Case ExamplesTypical Example & Abstraction

The Anthologia graeca dataset declares that Smyrna is defined by the coordinates “27.13917, 38.41861.”

<wikidata:Q1379299> → crm:P168_place_is_defined_by “27.13917, 38.41861”

Edge Case Example & AbstractionN/A
Resource Links

The Wikimedia Foundation. (2021). Wikidata.

Discussion Elements Pertaining to the PatternN/A
Anthologia graeca Elements Following this Patterncity

Pattern in TTL:

<city> a crm:E53_Place;
rdfs:label "<city>" ;
crm:P168_place_is_defined_by "<lat_long_value>" .